Henry Fairs is Head of Organ Studies at Birmingham Conservatoire and Organist to the University of Birmingham, UK, and his musical career began as a chorister at Leominster Priory. After graduating he studied in France and Germany, and was a prize-winner in a number of organ competitions including First Prize in the Odense International Organ Competition in Denmark. Now he is an immensely busy concert organist, when not teaching. This year he’s going back to Denmark, to Germany and Canada, as well as playing all around the UK. Henry gave the opening recital on our RCO Summer Course this year, on the new Mander chamber organ, destined for Westminster Abbey. (More about that here.)
Here are Henry’s answers to my five questions:
Which piece of music are you studying at the moment and why?
I am currently revisiting Bach’s Canonic Variations and chorale settings from the Leipzig autograph in preparation for concerts later this year.
What has been your best experience as an organist?
The luxury of having time to spend completely absorbed in great music, both alone and together with wonderful teachers and students. Playing great instruments, constant learning, achieving personal goals and helping others to do the same.
What has been your worst experience as an organist?
Probably being a church organist (at one place in particular). I don’t do that any more!
What’s the best piece of advice you were given by an organ teacher? (and who was it?)
I have had so many great teachers who have given me so much and to whom I’m profoundly grateful that it would be impossible to single out one. If pushed, I might choose ‘think only about the music’.
What would be your own best piece of advice for student organists?
Be really well prepared and listen.
Henry’s Bach Project has just got underway – 15 concerts over 3 years, of exceptional music on exceptional instruments. He’s keeping a blog about the project here – and click below to hear Henry play Bach and explain his thinking behind his choice of music and instruments. The next set of concerts, focussing on the Leipzig Chorales, are coming up soon on 14th, 21st and 28th October, all at 18.30, on the 2012 William Drake organ in the OBE Chapel of St Paul’s Cathedral, London.
Henry Fairs’ website is here, and you can follow him on Twitter @HenryFairs