Stable Girls are expected to turn out morning and evening, in all weathers, to perform repetitive tasks for dismal amounts of money – sounds familiar?
This winter I’ve discovered a whole untapped aspect of my wardrobe, perfect for winter organ playing – my horse-riding gear. I’m not talking boots, bits and bridles here* but the sort of clothing that riders throw on every morning before they stump down to the stables for another round of mucking out and dressage practice.
So girls, visit your local Tack Store rather than the High Street for warm, practical, and inexpensive clothes for playing in. The gilets and padded waistcoats are particularly good, as are the fleeces designed to keep your neck nice and warm along with the rest of you, and thermal trousers and undergarments for that desperate sub-zero church practice slot.
I have a black quilted gilet from Shires which I think is very smart – more Star Trek than Stable Girl actually. I am slightly tempted even to play in my sticky-bum jodphurs (designed to keep you in the saddle, and possibly also from sliding off the organ bench?) but I think that’s probably going too far.
Colourwise, you’ll probably want to steer clear of the sea of bubble gum pink aimed at the younger rider – too garish even for the third Sunday in Advent. You’ll find most grown-up Stable Girl Style clothes are in sober colours (to cope with mud, and what are euphemistically called stable stains) and wash like a dream (same reason).
Also check carefully for inappropriate slogans – playing next Sunday with “Frisky Filly” in large letters across your back might send the wrong message to some members of the congregation.
*Sorry about that. I have noticed that some non-riders’ eyes light up at the mere mention of horsey gear, thinking that the riding fraternity always have something kinky going on. And if you don’t believe me, try leaving a pair of riding boots and a training whip in the back of your car, and clock the reaction of the next guy who helps you load your purchases from the DIY store or wherever.
What a great article! I am a horse owner and organist, will most definitely try the riding gear for playing in…the only thing is I always have freezing feet-not sure any of my riding gear will help with that as I can’t do the pedals wearing shoes so will just have to go with the 2 pairs of socks!!
Happy riding and Organ playing…look on the bright side. ..the warmer weather is coming, so no more freezing church services for a while…just the flies to contend with instead with the horse’s! !
Keeping feet warm IS a problem and I don’t think I’ve managed to crack that yet! If you wear too many socks you stretch your organ shoes…