The church organist – multi-tasking supremo

The Church OrganistI created this for the congregation at one of the churches where I play.  I thought they might be amused, and I also thought it was worth showing them that “just playing a hymn” on a Sunday requires multi-tasking skills approaching those of a fighter pilot.



You are welcome to copy and reproduce this picture, as long as my website name remains on it. Download a hi-res version below.

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  1. says: Helen

    This is brilliant! I have downloaded the high res version and will stick it above my keyboard to give me a good giggle when I’m practicing. The amount of people who think we just hop on and play and don’t understand the multitasking that is involved!

  2. says: Bernice Wiemers-Rowden

    Hello. I have shown this to our parish organist (he had an Organ Scholarship to Oxford) – he particularly appreciated the comment about the B flat pedal! As he says, if the organ plays up the organist is deemed to have played a wrong note!

  3. says: Harrie

    Great picture !
    Looks funny, but it’s true. Can’t imagine another musical instruments which is demanding more from hands, feet and brain

  4. says: Philip Bowcock

    I had a minor stroke four years ago from which my hands are reasonably recovered. The parting comment of my consultant was “Keep on playing the organ – its the best thing for the brain”.

    1. says: Morwenna

      All that multi-tasking we do – I’m convinced that our brains expand just like London cabbies doing The Knowledge.

  5. I never realized how many functions the organist performs. Thankfully I can play a great deal of music from memory or by ear. It was keeping an eye/ear on the minister, the congregation that required attention.There were some moments of when the family was left alone to bid fare well at the end of the service that will live on in memory. In hind sight it was the best job I had and would do it agsin ina heart beat. I loved it. I did this for 13 yrs. for two funeral homes.

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